Diagnose, treat, or research diseases and injuries of animals. Includes veterinarians who conduct research and development, inspect livestock, or care for pets and companion animals.
On the job, you would:
- Treat sick or injured animals by prescribing medication, setting bones, dressing wounds, or performing surgery.
- Inoculate animals against various diseases, such as rabies or distemper.
- Examine animals to detect and determine the nature of diseases or injuries.
- doctoral degree
- post-doctoral training
Annual 10th percentile $72,360
Annual median $119,100
Annual 90th percentile $201,440
- medicine and dentistry
Math and Science
- biology
- arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, or statistics
- customer service
- human resources (HR)
Arts and Humanities
- English language
Basic Skills
- listening to others, not interrupting, and asking good questions
- reading work related information
Problem Solving
- noticing a problem and figuring out the best way to solve it
People and Technology Systems
- thinking about the pros and cons of different options and picking the best one
- measuring how well a system is working and how to improve it
People interested in this work like activities that include practical, hands-on problems and solutions.
- Integrity
- Attention to Detail
- Analytical Thinking
- Stress Tolerance
- Dependability
- Cooperation
- communicate by speaking
- listen and understand what people say
Ideas and Logic
- make general rules or come up with answers from lots of detailed information
- notice when problems happen
- choose the right type of math to solve a problem
- add, subtract, multiply, or divide
Hand and Finger Use
- put together small parts with your fingers